Béton Barrette Inc. is, first and foremost, a family business that has been operating for three generations in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Its story is still continuing, and it’s a pride that motivates the entire team! Here are the key milestones.

From workshop to concrete plant

Béton Barrette has been contributing to the region’s development since its early days. After the war, Marcellin Barrette, originally from Authier, in Abitibi West, finished technical studies. Along with his brothers, he opened an initial workshop for the production of cement pipes. This was followed by a second workshop in Malartic, and a third in Barraute.

In 1960, he settled in Val-d’Or. Along with a partner, Mark Ferderber, he established a ready-mix concrete plant, the first of its kind in Abitibi-Témiscamingue: B & F Ready-Mix Ltd. That plant would provide concrete for many projects when the entire region was experiencing significant economic and social development.

Following Marcellin Barrette’s death in 2009, the second generation, with its strong sense of belonging to the company, continued the company’s operations to ensure its longevity. Marcellin Barrette’s grandson, Jean-Félix Barrette, became the second president and sole proprietor in 2016.

State-of-the-art concrete and crushing

Since then, the entire team, which has over 100 people, has been continuing the work while valuing caring. Our corporate culture contributes to the team members’ well-being and, as a result, to our customers’ satisfaction.

Locally, the company continues to contribute to the region’s economy through many construction projects. Its state-of-the-art concrete plan meets the most diverse needs.

With its three mobile crushing plants to serve the mining and construction industries in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Béton Barrette travels to the sites of its customers’ operations. It has become a natural business partner of the mining and construction sectors. The company also showcases its expertise throughout Quebec!

We have been a member of the ACRGTQ since 1983.

Recognitions for Béton Barrette


Enterprise of the Year

Béton Barrette celebrated its 50th anniversary. It was named Enterprise of the Year by the Val-d’Or Chamber of Commerce at the “Gala de l’entreprise”


“Filon Pérennité”

Béton Barrette celebrated 55 years of existence and was awarded the “Filon Pérennité” at the Val-d’Or Chamber of Commerce “Gala de l’entreprise”.


“Filon Investissement”

At the Val-d’Or Chamber of Commerce “Gala de l’entreprise”, Béton Barrette won the $500,000 to $2 million “Filon Investissement”.


“Filon Employeur de choix”

At the Val-d’Or Chamber of Commerce “Gala de l’entreprise”, Béton Barrette was awarded the “filon Employeur de choix”, which rewarded its innovative workforce management strategy for retaining employees and building their loyalty, promoting job creation, preparing the next generation, ensuring quality of life in the workplace, and promoting work-life balance.

Béton Barrette’s Mission

Béton Barrette provides superior-quality materials and services at the best cost, while carefully adhering to environmental standards. The company promotes harmonious teamwork. It provides safe facilities for its efficient and courteous staff who are ready to meet its customers’ requirements.



We value cooperation and seek harmony in our professional relationships. At work, we recognize that everyone’s well-being is necessary for the well-being of the other team members. The caring we cultivate on a daily basis allows us to confidently take on the challenges that our customers bring to us.



We respect our colleagues and our team as we do our customers. The respect we show each other creates a work atmosphere conducive to the deployment of everyone’s skills and gives us the desire to develop professionally, in order to keep serving our customers better.

Honesty and Integrity

Honesty and Integrity

In our work teams, honesty guides our interactions. It enables us to provide quality products and services at the best cost for our customers. The integrity we have leads us to express ourselves with a view to improving the team’s functioning and the relationships among people.

Sense of Duty

Sense of Duty

The sense of duty is everyone’s commitment to the good of their colleagues and the interests of their customers. Acting with a sense of duty in mind leads us to find the best solutions and offer the best of our skills for every project, whether large or small.

How can we serve you?